NZX Opening Bell
In our Opening Bell podcast we aim to provide a snapshot into what's happening within our economy, the capital markets, our organisation as New Zealand's Exchange, and our community. Featuring a range of industry leaders, each podcast is packed with trends, insights and learning opportunities.
NZX Opening Bell
Future Proofing Dairy: Innovations, Sustainability, and Alternatives with Jeremy Hill
Join NZX Commercial Manager Cristina Alvarado as she delves into the future of the dairy industry with renowned expert Jeremy Hill. As Fonterra's Chief Science and Technology Officer, Jeremy shares insights on dairy's evolving role in nutrition, sustainability goals, and innovative developments in dairy science and technology.
First up, Cristina and NZX Dairy Analysts Lewis Hoggard and Rosalind Crickett give an update on the outcome of the Synlait Shareholders meeting and Fonterra volumes ahead of GDT Event 360.